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Who Will Join Us In This Journey?

We are in the gathering phase looking for people who hunger and thirst for justice and righteousness by following Jesus.  Maybe that's YOU. We'd love to hear from you.

Our desire is to make disciples and place them in meeting hubs so that they can bring liberation+reconciliation into this skeptical, post-Christian world. 

If that's you, or you know others looking for a church home in the Fairburn/Union City/Palmetto/Tyrone area, please reach out to us via email. If you have fallen away from the church due to hurt or doubt, please email. And if you want to see your lives and lives of your family changed along with others, this is an opportunity for you to journey with us!

We can be reached via email at  We'd love to hear from you.

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A new church plant in Fairburn, GA

Welcome to

Jubilee Fellowship


Why We’re Planting In Fairburn

Jesus didn't call us to plant churches. Rather, He invites his followers to make disciples that imagine a world of liberation and flourishing (jubilee) for their neighbors through the gospel.

The gospel is the announcement that the kingdom is near through Jesus and He is making all things new. The kingdom of God is available to whosoever believes. 

This world is full of hardships and hard realities of sin and sin-laced structures. But Jesus promises to restore sight, set the oppressed free, and proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. This guides Jubilee's rhythms in worship and mission.

Our vision - See people transformed and walking in freedom.

Our mission is to joyfully reflect Jesus’ work in our lives so that we can build bridges of hope into others.


Meet The Gilchrist

God has called us to see the power of Jesus move in the city of Fairburn. We do that by making disciples.

This movement is centered on people following Jesus through the story of God empowered by Holy Spirit to bring liberation+reconciliation to the world.

We're natives of Oklahoma City and have been in Atlanta since 2017. Our twins are 6th grade students who keep us very busy and happy. We are a sports and foodie family. As a family, we're learning to walk in the way of Jesus and we're inviting others to join us.

We will be a people caring for others.....

  • Bridging racial, cultural, economic and gender barriers

  • Applying emotionally healthy practices to love others well

  • Pointing others to Jesus

We will be a people who rest.....

  • Keeping the Sabbath

  • Eliminating hurry

  • Receiving God’s limits as a gift

We will be a people who work.....

  • Sharing our gifts generously

  • Savoring the sacred in all things

  • Empowering the poor and marginalized

We will be a people who pray.....

  • Without ceasing

  • Shaped by the Holy Scriptures

  • Embracing silence and contemplation


Our Values

Give To Jubilee

We believe every dollar that is invested in this effort is a sacred trust that you are making in us, and in the people in Fairburn to whom we will carry the good news of Jesus Christ.

Pray for Jubilee

We believe God will plant this church in Fairburn so that folks can meet Jesus within a community and find freedom within their own lives.


Ways To Join Us

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